Concrete Jungles Walking Tours em São Paulo / SP – Telefone, site, endereço


Passeios, pacotes e serviços de viagem em  São Paulo / SP . Confira se a Agência de viagens e turismo Concrete Jungles Walking Tours é confiável, telefone, endereço, serviços e outras informações.


Nome ou Razão Social
Giuliano Orlando


Nome Fantasia / Apelido Comercial
Concrete Jungles Walking Tours




Rua Taguá, 261


Telefone Fixo / Móvel com DDD


Site e/ou página em redes sociais


[email protected]


Número de registro no CadasTur


Mais informações
Professional Tour Guide in Brazil and Latam,
I’m a traveler, humanist, graduated on film, theatre and fine arts.
In love with languages, cities, and cultures.

Originally from the ancient city of Pompeii, I’ve been guiding walking tours in Italy, Spain and Portugal and since 2 years here in Sao Paulo.

I’m the founder and creator of Concrete Jungles Walking Tours, a project of very successful Free Walking tours running here in Sao Paulo since 2 years. Living in São Paulo I felt in love for this city its history and incredibly rich and divers culture

New achievements of 2019

– I’m now São Paulo Experience Community Leader for Airbnb
– My project of walking tours won this year the Certificate of Excellence on TripAdvisor
– As Local Guide I got selected this year for the Connect Live in San Jose, California!
-Completed the seminar “Supporting Women’s Security | Travelers and Hosts” hosted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence, November 2019


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