MaisBatalha, unipessoal, lda. Travel Agency in Batalha – Contact, address

Contact the travel company MaisBatalha, unipessoal, lda. E-mail, website, address, how to get there and more information:


Located in Batalha, district of Leiria, Central Area, the Travel Agency MaisBatalha, unipessoal, lda is a company registered as a Tourist Entertainment Company and has been serving the public since 30 May 2016.


Registry Nº: 522/2016



Town: Batalha | County: Batalha | District: Leiria

Address: rua do casal mata da raposa, nº5, 2440-015. Batalha.
How to get there:


Main Activities


Thematic routes and other routes for heritage discovery (for example, the Megalithic, Roman, Romanesque, Fresco routes, Gastronomy, Wine, Cheese, Flavors, Industrial Archeology).
Thematic routes and other routes for heritage discovery (for example, the Megalithic, Roman, Romanesque, Fresco routes, Gastronomy, Wine, Cheese, Flavors, Industrial Archeology).


More Information


Clean & Safe (What is this?): Not Verified

Regional Tourism Authority: Portugal Central Area Tourism

Territorial Division – NUTS I: Continent | NUTS II: Central Area | NUTS III: Leiria Region



*Information taken from the Tourism of Portugal Georreferenced Open Data Platform.



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